Articles on Cryonics
In Science, Culture, Economics and Art
Thinking About Cryonics
Cryonics is an emerging science. Its goal is to preserve the bodies of individuals whose lives can no longer be sustained by contemporary medicine by cooling their bodies to cryogenic temperatures to halt further biological decay. This procedure is undertaken in the hope that they can be revived and healed in the future as medical technology progresses.
But cryonics is not only a science. It is a cultural phenomenon. Cryonics appears in our films and our novels, in our online discussions and our video games and our pop culture. It rivets our attention because it redefines us. Cryonics modifies our relation to life and death and how we see our future, it raises questions for people of faith and people without, it expands the implications of cryomedicine and cryogenic science while offering hope to the sick and afflicted.
Not least, it is one of the greatest public relations puzzles and challenges of all time. With so many people doing everything possible to extend life, why is cryonics, the ultimate expression of life extension, not more eagerly supported? Why, given a chance at life, however distant, do so many people choose death?
This section of the Cryonics Society web site features thought pieces, articles, explorations and interviews on cryonics not only as a technical process but as a social and existential phenomenon with implications for human culture as a whole.
The Economics of Cryonics
Few subjects hold as much value for cryonics members as the question of asset preservation–the question of how much of one’s net worth can be safely carried over into the time of restoration, and of how value will even be defined in advanced future societies.
We’ve collected the many articles on the subject into a section of their own, our Asset Group Preservation page. Click here to visit.
Cryonics and Marketing
Cryonics is an affordable, legal, publicly available option chosen by some of the most notable thought leaders of our time. The general concept is understood by virtually everone. Yet the public as a whole has shown an almost stunning indifference, and public support in all but nonexistent. Why has cryonics not penetrated the market, and what can be done to change that situation? Articles here address the problem and suggest solutions.
Marketing Cryonics: An Interview
CS Secretary Interviewed in Long Life
Cryonics Society Outreach Letter
Cryonics and Culture
Few subjects hold as much for cryonics members as the question of asset preservation.
Baseball Immortal: Ted Williams And Cryonics
Smart Choice: A Mensa Journal Article on Cryonics
Note: all text and commentary in the Cryonics Society web site may not be reproduced without the written prior consent of the authors.
Direct mail inquiries to:
Cryonics Society,
P.O. Box 90889,
Rochester, NY 14609,
Email: contact @ cryonicssociety.org
Tel.: 585-473-3321