Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access


Table Of Contents:

| Introductory Material
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|  Rudi Hoffman: The Hoffman Prototype Cryonics Trust, A Dynasty Trust Format

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| Jim Yount: American Cryonics Society: The ACS Asset Preservation Program

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| Lori Rhodes: Terasem: Cryo-Documentation: Vital Statistics; and, Points To Ponder

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| Edward Thorp: How To Maximize Your Trust Assets; and, A Cryo-Preservation Instrument of Trust

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| Mark Voelker: Money Lecture

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| Ben Best: Asset Preservation For Cryonicists

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| Christopher Sega, Esq.: Possible Legal Rights of Cryogenically Revived Persons

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| John Dedon, Esq.: Functions of a Trust Protector during Biostasis and at the time of Cryogenic Revival

How To Take it With You, and a PowerPoint presentation from the Terasem Movement, Inc., 4th Annual Colloquium on the Law of Futuristic Persons (December 10, 2008).


| Don Laughlin: General Provisions of a Reanimation Trust

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| Russell Cheney: Willed versus Living Trust Estates

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New!  Russell Cheney: Complementary Memory Preservation

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| James Clement, J.D., LL.M.: A Cryonics-Friendly Living Will

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| Study of State Rule Against Perpetuities Laws (Copyright Elizabeth M. Shurig and Amy P. Jebel); and, Perpetuities, Taxes, and Asset Protection: An Empirical Assessment of the Jurisdictional Competition for Trust Funds (Robert M. Sitkoff and Max M. Schanzenback). Contributed by Tim Shavers

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| Nick Pavlica: Advantages of Alternative Citizenship

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| David S. Lesperance: “If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Brazil.”

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| Peggy Hoyt: The Importance of Advance Directives in Cryogenic Planning

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| Post Resuscitation Asset Preservation Hazards & Solutions (authored by multiple APR Group members)

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|The Venturist Cryonics Trust Agreement

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|The D. and T. Pizer Trust Agreement

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|CryptoCurrency – Ben Best

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|The Future Of Money – Ben Best

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| CryptoCurrency Updates – Ben Best

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|CryptoCurrency: Long-Term Asset Preservation – April 2019 – Ben Best

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|CryptoCurrency 2021: The Future of Money – Ben Best

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| Closing Pages

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The Cryonics Society does not specifically endorse or advocate all of the views and material contained in this section of the website, which is provided as an informational resource and as a public service. The Cryonics Society has agreed to host these pages which contain information supplied by a number of knowledgeable individuals in the cryonics community regarding ‘Options for Safe, Secure and Legal Asset Preservation for Post-Resuscitation Access’. We hope that such information may be of value to people who wish to safe-guard their assets while cryopreserved so that those assets may be better accessible upon reaninmation.

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